Sunday, April 11, 2010

From Holly Cupala

Bursting-on-the-scenes this spring, debut author Holly Cupala writes:

My best bite of inspiration is to write as honestly as you can the first time - you can always refine it, but it's hard to recapture that raw truthfulness in revisions.

To get to that tender layer and defy my cranky internal critic, I harness a simple kitchen tool - the egg-timer, to be precise! In 15 minute increments, I write as much as I can to outrun the voice (and it's a handy tool on the all-too-short preschool writing days). After spending four years writing TELL ME A SECRET, I discovered I could write the second YA in just four months.

Is it too much to hope the next will take four weeks...?


Sarah Laurenson said...

Four weeks and then four days? I suppose four hours and four minutes would be taking it to an extreme. :-)

Love the timer idea. Don't think, just write.

holly cupala said...

Thank you for inviting me to your blog, Claudia!

Yes, Sarah, wouldn't four minutes be the ideal? I love writing, just not all of the crippling doubt. Then after getting it down on the page, revision comes in...